Weight Loss Injections in Burleson, TX

Weight Loss Injections in Burleson, TX

Weight Loss Injections at 88 Aesthetic & Wellness in Burleson, TX, are a modern approach to managing weight effectively. Utilizing Semaglutide, these injections mimic a natural hormone to regulate appetite, leading to reduced food intake. They are designed to target general body fat, making them suitable for individuals seeking a medically-backed weight management solution. Most clients observe noticeable weight reduction within weeks, and with regular treatment, the benefits can be sustained over time.

Semaglutide is a trusted solution for weight management, working by regulating the stomach’s emptying and appetite to decrease calorie intake. Primarily used for overall weight reduction, it also effectively targets areas like the abdomen. Suitable for those seeking alternatives to traditional weight loss methods, results with Semaglutide are quickly noticeable and can last for months.

Additionally, Tirzepatide, another key ingredient in our injections, enhances the efficacy of the weight loss process. By complementing Semaglutide, Tirzepatide further supports appetite regulation and contributes to noticeable weight reduction. This dual-action approach makes our injections compelling for those seeking alternatives to traditional weight loss methods.

88 Aesthetic & Wellness in Burleson, TX, stands as your trusted partner in your weight management journey. Secure your spot now and take a step towards a healthier you.

Benefits of Weight Loss Injections

  • Safe and clinically tested.
  • Reduces appetite and food intake.
  • Targets general body fat.
  • Quick and noticeable results.
  • Long-lasting effects.
  • Minimal to no downtime.
  • Suitable for a wide range of individuals.
  • Comprehensive program with initial consults and labs.
  • Convenient take-home medication for self-injection.


Individuals struggling with weight issues and seeking a medically supervised solution are ideal candidates.
Results from Weight Loss Injections typically become noticeable within a few weeks of starting the treatment.
Results from Weight Loss Injections can vary based on individual factors and adherence to the treatment regimen. Typically, with a consistent regimen, the effects can be long-lasting.
There’s minimal to no downtime, though some individuals might experience mild side effects, which will be discussed during the consultation.
It’s important to follow the guidelines provided by 88 Aesthetic & Wellness, which include initial consults, labs, and adhering to the prescribed injection schedule.
The treatment involves an initial consultation, lab tests, and the first injection administered in-house, followed by a take-home medication for self-injection, supplied for one month. Clients return once a month for three months, with adjustments made as needed.

Weight Loss Program Consent Form

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